// Wayfarer Hospitality
Freswick Castle has been at the centre of Wayfarer hospitality for more than fifteen years. Many people have stayed and experienced this inspirational environment. Now, in addition to the cosy guest cottage where visitors have stayed in the past, there is excellent accommodation in the Castle. The two main living levels have been completely renovated. There are six en suite bedrooms, a beautiful kitchen and the great hall and the lounge have huge open fires.

// Gatherings and events at Freswick Castle
Memorable gatherings are often held at New Year and Easter, with groups of up to 20 spread between the Castle and the two cottages. If you wish to participate in such a gathering, there will be time for solitude, exploring the dramatic and inspiring coastline as well as enjoying food and friendship with other guests. You’ll be able to talk and listen to like-minded creative people, give and receive support and encouragement, enjoy laughter and relaxation and, on occasion, benefit from exhibitions, films or live performances. Any organised programme is very low-key. Many visitors have found themselves going far deeper in their spiritual journey in this remarkable place. Freswick Castle also has a beautiful library with many thousands of books on the arts, sciences and spirituality.
// Group Bookings
The castle is also available for group bookings, so why not bring family or friends? It is a self-catering environment, ideally for around 12 people although the guest cottage can be made available too.
For further information, please email: here